IBPS PO Interview Questions

Interview Questions – Bank PO

Interview questions asked during Bank PO interviews of IBPS, IBPS – RRB, Bank of Maharashtra.

What is NABARD? BOM 2017 Kolkata
From where has the concept of NABARD come? BOM 2017 Kolkata
Why was NABARD formed? BOM 2017 Kolkata
What is the name of Mahila Swarozgar Yojana? BOM 2017 Kolkata
You may have heard that USA had stopped keeping gold stock, why have they restarted? BOM 2017 Kolkata
Name the Finance Minister of Bihar? BOM 2017 Kolkata
What is the share price of BOM? BOM 2017 Kolkata
Why do you want to join Banking sector? BOM 2017 Kolkata
Is anybody from your family employed in Govt. Sector? Where are they posted? Which Post? BOM 2017 Kolkata
Difference between Rs. / Dollar / Yen / Euro / BOM 2017 Kolkata
Why don’t RBI keep the gold of entire world? BOM 2017 Kolkata
What is use of IT in Banks? BOM 2017 Kolkata
What is POS? BOM 2017 Kolkata
What can we purchase with POS? BOM 2017 Kolkata
Introduce yourself. RRB VI Patna
What are your hobbies? RRB VI Patna
You are a banker’s daughter. What was your father’s last two sentences when you came for this interview? RRB VI Patna
What are the qualities that a Bank PO should possess? Which amongst these do you have? RRB VI Patna
Do you know that a Bank PO also has to work in field? Are you ready? (female candidate) RRB VI Patna
If you are assigned field work, what are the problems you may face? (female candidate) RRB VI Patna
What is NABARD? What is the share of NABARD in RRB? RRB VI Patna
What is refinancing? Difference between financing and refinancing? RRB VI Patna
What are the functions of RBI? RRB VI Patna
Tell me something about RRB? RRB VI Patna
What is booting? (BCA graduate) RRB VI Patna
Types of computer? (BCA graduate) RRB VI Patna
What is digital? What is analog? What is hybrid? Where are they used? (BCA graduate) RRB VI Patna
What have you read in programing language? (BCA graduate) RRB VI Patna
What is C++? Who was the developer? (BCA graduate) RRB VI Patna
What is your date of birth? RRB VI Patna
इस तारीख को क्या हुआ था? RRB VI Patna
What is latent heat? Example? (Physics graduate) RRB VI Patna
What is catalyst? (Physics graduate) RRB VI Patna
ऑक्सीजन कैसा होता है? (Physics graduate) RRB VI Patna
शेरशाह के बारे में क्या जानते हो? उसके बचपन का क्या नाम था? RRB VI Patna
Who is the current CJI? Who was before him? RRB VI Patna
Who appoints CJI? RRB VI Patna
Who appoints Chief Election Commissioner? RRB VI Patna
Which states are going for elections? Who are the governors of these sates? RRB VI Patna
What is Universal Banking? RRB VI Patna
If you are made the president of USA, what will you do? RRB VI Patna
What more do you know about the position of USA president? RRB VI Patna
Who is minister of agriculture of Bihar? RRB VI Patna
Which party is in power in Bihar? How many seats did each party win in recent election of Bihar? RRB VI Patna
What will happen if RBI doesn’t exist? RRB VI Patna
What is current repo rate? RRB VI Patna
What is the meaning of your name ‘Maharathi’?

–          कर्ण कहाँ के राजा थे? उनकी माँ का नाम? कर्ण के पिता कौन थे?

RRB VI Patna
How did you reach Cochin? (Engineering from Cochin) RRB VI Patna
What did you do for 3 years after completing Engineering? RRB VI Patna
Is this your first interview? RRB VI Patna
World Bank? Hague? UNESCO? RRB VI Patna
Have you appeared for any other exam? Did you qualify in any? RRB VI Patna
Tell one memorable incident that you have written in your diary? (Hobby – Writing Diary) RRB VI Patna
Why do you write diary every day? How many diaries do you have? (Hobby –Writing Diary) RRB VI Patna
Where have you done your B.Tech from? University? RRB VI Patna
Full form of VIRUS? (B.Tech graduate) RRB VI Patna
How many states are there in North East? Capitals? RRB VI Patna
Name capitals of state that are situated on banks of a rivers? Which rivers? RRB VI Patna
Who is the health minister of Bihar? RRB VI Patna
Which exam did you qualify to get admission in UPTU? (B.Tech graduate) RRB VI Patna
Which department does your father work in? RRB VI Patna
What important incident happened in banking sector during Indira Gandhi?

–          What else?

–          When was RRB formed?

RRB VI Patna
What percentage of stake does state holds in RRB? RRB VI Patna
Where do you live in [City Name]? RRB VI Lucknow
Where have you completed your basic education from? RRB VI Lucknow
You live in [City Name] but you studied in [City Name]? RRB VI Lucknow
When did you complete your graduation? Subject? RRB VI Lucknow
What did you do since completion of your graduation? RRB VI Lucknow
What does your father do? RRB VI Lucknow
Who got the latest Nobel Prize in Physics? [Physics Graduate] RRB VI Lucknow
साइंस में भारत के नोबेल प्राइज विजेता? RRB VI Lucknow
Difference between A/C Payee Cheque and Crossed Cheque? RRB VI Lucknow
NEFT में दिन भर में कितने बैच होते हैं? RRB VI Lucknow
Minimum and Maximum Grant in Sukanya Samridhdhi Yojana? RRB VI Lucknow
स्टार्ट अप इंडिया और सेट अप इंडिया में क्या फर्क है? RRB VI Lucknow
क्रेडिट कार्ड के बारे में क्या जानती हैं? बतायिए! RRB VI Lucknow
किसान को क्रेडिट देते समय किन बातों पर ध्यान देना चाहिए? RRB VI Lucknow
लैंडलेस किसान को लोन मिलेगा? RRB VI Lucknow
जेनेरिक मेडिसिन क्या होता है? [पिता का दवा दुकान है] RRB VI Lucknow
Name the Regulatory Agency that controls the prices of Pharmaceutical drugs in India? [Father owns a Medical Shop] RRB VI Lucknow
Major events that happened during Indira Gandhi’s term as PM? RRB VI Lucknow
Why banks were Nationalised? RRB VI Lucknow
Why only 14 banks were Nationalised in 1969 and not all banks? RRB VI Lucknow
How many banks were Nationalised in 1980? RRB VI Lucknow
What is Indradhanush Plan? RRB VI Lucknow
What is Skill Development Plan? RRB VI Lucknow
Who is Anna Hazare? Where is he from (village name)? RRB VI Lucknow
Who is Lieutenant Governor of Delhi? RRB VI Lucknow
Name three Welfare Schemes for women by Government of India? RRB VI Lucknow
Name one Indian who got Raman Magsaysay Award? RRB VI Lucknow
Number of districts in Bihar? RRB VI Lucknow
What is the population of Patna? RRB VI Lucknow
What is the population of Bihar? RRB VI Lucknow
Digital Banking में बैंक में क्या हुआ? स्टेप वाइज बताओ? RRB VI Lucknow
RTGS और IMPS में क्या फर्क है? RRB VI Lucknow
मेरे पास लैपटॉप नहीं है, मैं डिजिटल बैंकिंग का इस्तेमाल कैसे करूंगा? RRB VI Lucknow
डिजिटल बैंकिंग का एडवांटेज और डिसएडवांटेज बताओ? RRB VI Lucknow
What is mass of electron? [Physics Graduate] RRB VI Lucknow
                Are you sure that electron has some mass? RRB VI Lucknow
                तो क्यूँ बोलते हैं की एटम का मॉस न्यूट्रॉन और प्रोटोन के बराबर होता है? RRB VI Lucknow
इलेक्ट्रान का चार्ज क्या होता है? [फिजिक्स ग्रेजुएट] RRB VI Lucknow
What is the role of electron in conduction? [Physics Graduate] RRB VI Lucknow
Step Down Transformer क्यूँ लगाते हैं? RRB VI Lucknow
तुम्हे अगर बहुत इंटीरियर गाँव में पोस्टिंग मिली तो भी तुम जॉब करोगी? RRB VI Lucknow
IBPS में हो जायेगा तो क्या करोगी? RRB VI Lucknow
SBI में हो जायेगा तो RRB छोड़ दोगी? RRB VI Lucknow


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