Group Discussion

Trending GD Topics for Bank PO Exams

Trending GD Topics for Bank PO Exams such as SBI-PO


These are some of the trending topics that can be discussed during a group discussion related to bank exams. However, it is always advisable to keep oneself updated with the latest news and developments in the banking sector.

    • Merging of banking and insurance sector.
    • Should PSUs be privatized?
    • Merger and acquisition of PSUs.
    • Impact of GST on Indian Economy.
    • Pros & cons of Cashless Economy
    • Are Indian banks in a better position to handle losses?
    • 5 days work week in banking. Pros & challenges?
    • Are private sector banks better than public sector bank?
    • Sri Lanka’s economic crisis and lessons for India
    • Effect of social media on youth
    • Money or Success – What is more important?
    • Should there be regulation of Media?
    • Population Growth – Boon or bane?
    • Love of money is root to all evils.
    • COVID and it’s effect on Indian society.
    • Social networking is resulting in decline in art of conversation.
    • Women Empowerment
    • Flexible or Fixed Timing. What is better for working?
    • What is important for company ethics or profits?
    • What are the traits of a good boss?
    • What are your views on commercialization of Education?
    • Should Science be made compulsory up to Senior Secondary?
    • Should Sports be made compulsory in schools?
    • Present Education system churning more engineers but not skilled worker.
    • National Education Policy (NEP) 2020
    • Demonetization – How it affected the Economy of India?
    • Ayushman Bharat
    • One Rank One Pension – OROP
    • Atmanirbhar Bharat
    • Start Up India
    • Mobile/Internet Banking/Digitization – Does it have any impact on Unemployment rate?
    • Future of Blockchain
    • Problems or issues with Bitcoin
    • Is technology killing human imagination?
    • 5G in India
    • Electric Vehicle (EV) in India
    • Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) cutting jobs in India or shaping the future?
    • Role of Media in India today – Good or bad?
    • Medals won by India in Olympics are by chance or scientific training?
    • Global Warming – Causes, Effects and Solutions.
    • Private hospitals are going corporate at the cost of health.
    • Is India ready for smart cities?
    • Villages – Our strengths & weaknesses
    • Total prohibition in Bihar.
    • Private players should be encouraged in infrastructure development of the country.
    • Is linking of rivers good or bad from socio and ecological balance perspective?
    • Net Neutrality in India
    • Russia-Ukraine war
    • India @ 75
    • Private trains in India. Pros & Cons



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